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Common Assignment Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Assignment writing is necessary during school whether in high school, college or university. Assignments intend to gauge your understanding on a particular subject, but writing it is often a challenge. Many do not understand the common pitfalls that impact they need to buy cheap assignment services and grades negatively. 


In this article, we touch on the common mistakes students make while writing assignments and how you cannot end up doing the same. We will also suggest some tips to enhance and practice more effective writing so that the work you turn in is complete, well-written, has depth and is devoid of errors.


Most students forget that by following these steps, they can enhance their content and save a lot of time. For those students who require extra assistance, there are numerous cheap and reliable assignment writing services from which you can seek guidance. But let’s kick off with the most common mistakes and how you can eliminate them.


1. A Thesis or An Argument Which Is Not Clearly Stated


The assignment might not have a brief thesis printed somewhere, but whatever is to be done will find it very useful. A thesis is the most important thing you need while completing the assignment. A thesis statement is the core argument or claim that you will try to analyze in the paper you are going to write. In the absence of a specific thesis, the assignment will be unfocused and its aim will not be clear to the reader.


Avoiding This Error:


  • Spend the time to delve deeper into the topic before writing to get a much deeper understanding of it.


  • List down key arguments and evidence for the writing and create an outline for the paper.


  • State your thesis in clear and specific terms. Break down vague sentences and make statements that are easy to understand.


2. Incoherent Structure and Organization


An assignment which is organized and well-structured is more readable and understandable. Students tend to neglect where to begin the write up which damages the quality of their work.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • Write an informative introduction that states the topic and summarize the argument in a few sentences.


  • Divide your writing into small parts such as introduction, body, and conclusion. Every part should be connected and relevant.


  • Make your work easy to read by using paragraphs, subheadings, and headings.


  • Each paragraph should have one clear idea and a topic sentence detailed to the core.


3. Not Citing Sources and Plagiarism


Plagiarism is a grave academic misconduct. It refers to the act whereby a person takes another person’s work or ideas and presents it as his own without giving any credit. Sadly, many students do not understand the underlying importance of citations, and this, unfortunately, leads to unintended acts of plagiarism.


How to Get yourself Out of Such a Mistake:


  • You should always mention those sources which you include within your assignment. Comply with the instructor’s order in regards to citation style (which can be APA, MLA, Chicago etc.). 


  • Run your work through a plagiarism filtering program to determine if it is original.


  • When you restate another person’s idea, be sure to change the way it is expressed and include attribution at the end.


4. Not Following the Guidelines of the Assignment


Every assignment will have specific instructions with respect to the format, length, topic, and perhaps other issues that have to be attended to. Failure to attend to these general instructions may result in your assignment being unsuccessful or having marks deducted.


How to Get yourself Out of Such a Mistake:


  • Pay attention to the assignment’s instructions prior to commencing any form of writing. 


  • Make sure to highlight or make a note of the important details that need to be adhering to, such as word count, format, and deadline of submission. 


  • You are expected to write on the assigned topic and respond to the questions set by your instructor.


5. Lack of Proper Research


It’s a given, everything requires research. Some students do not have enough material on the topic, and some overshoot the mark using unreliable references that don’t fit. As a result, an assignment can sometimes be labeled as too much, or the other extreme, very inaccurate.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • To get good credible sources, do the research well in advance which will give you time to refine it.


  • Refereed websites, books, and journals should be used for research. Never use Wikipedia where accuracy is not guaranteed.


  • When possible, compile and structure your notes for easy reference later on. 


6. Poor Time Management


To put everything into a simple term, Students nowadays procrastinate. Not being able to finish the work on time and waiting until the very end always leads to the assignment being uncoordinated, chances of error, and missing a score improvement.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • The work can be split into subcategories and an appropriate target can be set for each one of them.


  • Gathering information or sketching an outline are all helpful, so try to start working on an assignment right after it’s been given, not at the last minute.


  • Get in touch with professionals if you do not have enough time on hand. You will find a service that has “Write My College Assignment for Me,” so that you are always on time.


7. Insufficient Proofreading and Editing


This phase of assignment writing is very crucial and needful; proofreading. Even if you have the content well researched and put together, the assignment will always suffer if it has grammar and spelling issues as well as poor sentence construction.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • Always proofread and edit your work with time to spare.


  • Scan through your assignment several times and also read it out loud to detect potential errors.


  • Incorporate basic error detection programs such as Grammarly and Hemingway but, again, don’t depend completely on them.


  • Get someone else to check what you have done; may it be a co-worker or instructor. Some mistakes you did not capture may be captured by someone else.


8. Assignment Overloaded with Jargon


Putting in technical terms and jargons in an attempt to impress the instructor maybe a good idea, but in excess, it can be counterproductive and the assignment may get harder to read or understand. It is good to maintain balance in the use of language.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • Keep your writing direct and simple. Think about whether the reader knows your topic or not.


  • Do not overuse jargon and always explain it when it’s needed.


  • Write shorter sentences. They allow the reader to process one idea at a time and not get lost in the flow of thoughts.


9. Not Answering the Question


Some students get so overwhelmed with giving a lot of information, they forget to answer the question directly. This issue may cost a lot of marks.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • Figure out what the task is asking before doing any writing.


  • Look at the question from time to time while completing the assignment so you do not forget what it is about.


  • Don’t forget to include the question in the introduction and conclusion so your readers know what your work is about.


10. Not Sticking to the Word Count


This is another area where students struggle. In certain cases, word limits are provided, and failing to comply with them may incur penalties or even a reduction in the score.


How to Avoid This Mistake:


  • Always adhere to the word limit set, but do not worry about hitting an exact figure.


  • If your word limit exceeds the count then remain careful on the content that you choose to include. Eliminate anything and everything that is not relevant to your thesis.


  • Same thing goes for if you are below the specified ‘word count’. Just go into more detail and provide supporting details to your argument with further explanation.




Writing an assignment is a very complex activity. But if prepared, researched, and planned well for the assignment, there is the possibility that the quality of work may increase. Paying attention to these most likely to be avoided errors, as proposed in this post, will not only save you from the consequences, but also improve your writing in the long run.


Writing assignments is not an easy task especially when one has no experience, but with consistent effort even a novice can become proficient. No matter what, there are always affordable assignment services that can help you when you feel totally lost and need help. Having the right structure, conducting background research, and thorough editing are essential in ensuring an assignment that is worthy of submission.

Author Biography: Raquile Mcculum

Raquile Mcculum is an experienced academic writer and education consultant with over a decade of experience in helping students excel in their assignments. Passionate about empowering students to improve their writing skills, Raquile frequently writes blogs, guides, and tutorials on academic success. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and mentoring aspiring writers.

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